Thursday, April 30, 2015

You will see a "New Me"

Pity me not: feel proud instead - for, I still hold relentless hope.
Worry not:  just cheer me through- I rest only after giving my best.
Compare me not : with the blossoming flowers- instead admire my form of reality.
Forget me not:  while I remind you- that time defines itself in brevity.

There will be a tomorrow & I shall rise.You will see a "New Me".
In Different colours & distinguished looks, I will set myself free.
With a praise on your lips, a surprise on your face,
You will be here again, to applaud my new phase.

As this nature puts me to test, here is an example I set.
The harder you get, the mightier I grow.
The vigorous you get, a stronger "will" I show.
Behind every silencing clamour of destruction,
Rejuvenates a powerful voice called "determination".

Dedicated to all the citizens of Nepal who bank on the epicentre of faith, when the ground shakes..

This post has been written for Prompt of the Month; a feature of Writer's Ezine
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda


magiceye said...


Unknown said...

Your poem lends so much of hope. A very optimistic look at the tragedy.

Unknown said...

hope lies eternal in the human breast.....a poem with a message of hope....well done Viyoma....

Unknown said...

Lovely poem and more so for the dedication!

Salvwi Prasad said...

This is really nice poem :). Meeting you through Blogadda.

Ajay Pai said...

So soulful lines.

"Behind every silencing clamour of destruction,
Rejuvenates a powerful voice called "determination".

To write such lines for the prompt, reflects your talent.

Kudos to u.

shivani singh said...

A bful poem, filled with so many inspiring thoughts and words! Luved reading it...