This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 16; the sixteenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following
Blog a Ton
Write an Essay in 150-200 words describing your Diwali Celebration.
Blog a ton 16 seems to have indirectly replicated what our English teacher did years back. Though "Celebrations" could be treated in any form, I prefer maintaining Diwali as the theme.
Waking up before dawn, and attiring the new dress, prior sunrise.
Being the 1st ones to wish the neighbours, much before they come to wish you.
Mulling over the Rangoli Designs, its colours, and spending more than decided time over the minute imperfections.
Well, these are a few instant glimpses I get, thinking of Diwali.
Going back in history, one significant ritual we miss these days is the celebration of making handmade greetings. “V2 Greetings”, as we use to call them, was a trademark behind every card. The card making would begin at least a week in advance, and invariably end just a day prior to the event. Knowingly – unknowingly it involved a lot of planning.
The festive season gets brighter with the colourful touch. Peep out of the balcony, and you see strings of lanterns dangling by the windows. The sound of crackers continues in the backdrop. Brave hearted are the ones who opt for Rockets, Bombs and the likes. We have always been satisfied with their noiseless counterparts. Step out of the house, and inhale the smoke filled air. No, I don’t intend to enter the Go-Green side. But just to say, every sensory organ gets the feel of the occasion.
Shopping for Diwali has been another big time affair at our place. Since the festival falls mostly end of Oct / beginning November, it coincides with 2 Birthdays at home. The Bday + Diwali combine shopping experience, has always been a much awaited family event.
Now I seriously wonder how many of the above points, formed a part of my School Essay on Diwali. Diwali Experience for me has been as mentioned above. But none of it really formed a part of my essay. Probably because, it would not have been in line with my classmates.
A school write- up on Diwali meant, describing the 5 (Diwali) days in chronological order, marking the importance of each day and highlighting the message Diwali brings with it. It was a true educative form of writing, but not a souvenir of the real “Celebrations.”
Good summary of Deepawali
I follow the same routine, just instead of wishing the neibours first, i am the first one to put crackers outside their window...:P
Know what? I also thought about the holiday assignments tat we get!
Gud writing :)
lol.. i would argue though, despite what the teacher asked us to write in school.. and now on batom.. the point of view of the celebration on the whole would've changed.. now we're looking at it, from a more holistic point of view.. from above.. as kids, we'd have counted the number of crackers and additional presents we got to mean celebrations...
Lovely post! It took me back to school :) True that the essay we used to write used to be an educative one and not about how we actually celebrated Diwali. A big Thanks to platforms like BAT for giving us this opportunity :)
All the best!
Happy Diwali Viyo...:-)
Thanks for sharing a big chunk of surprises for your Diwali celebrations...:-)
In fact in my post, I have to search the net to see for myself how Diwali is being celebrated and I was able to come up with a post on Diwali!
All the best dear!
'Write an Essay in 150-200 words describing your Diwali Celebration."
Reminds me of good old school days.
Infact this could have made a fun and entertaining topic for the contest.
On a serious note, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post.
Good luck with the contest.
Shubh Diwali Viyoma
One can get the true feel of the festival through the smooth overflow of words and instances. This was and is indeed a favourite essay topic in schools. All the best.
Nice Post . Best wishes to you.
read many entries on Diwali..but still this was a bit special..!!!
All the best :)
Here is my celebration:
Ms. Meduri- Celebrations
'Write an Essay in 150-200 words describing your Diwali Celebration."
Back to school haan?
Interesting post
God you got so many thoughts all mixed up here. Khichdii, I say.
dont remind me of homework et al, pleeeaseeeeeee !! Hated them like anything!! On a more serious note, ATB. Well written post :-)
innocence n diwali make a brilliant write up on the topic of celebrations....u hav captured the foundation of the topic in a brilliant manner...well done..
Hmmmm, memories from good old days indeed. What a time it was , when essays were mere display of the excessive wealth in terms of crackers we burst and shopping we did.
Indeed with time , things do change, yet the festive spirit remains the same.
Thanks for bringing back the old memories.
And yes thanks for the visit and following my blog, although your presence as a follower yet remained a bit mysterious though.
great blog you have here..
and lovely article. made me nostalgic..
Nice post.. Essay.. Yes i too remember writing lots of essays.. Good way of bringing out what diwali has.. Good luck for BAT and do stop by, Someone Is Special - Celebrations
--Someone Is Special--
That was so realistic and nostalgic that i can almost feel the excitement of getting a packet of bombs a few days before Diwali and burying them in the mud to watch the "explosion" !
Thanks for these words-you really have put as many smiles on our faces as you have left us misty-eyed.
Nice one.......Really good.
i am impressed. i am also think to right like u.
Do stop by, Image Funia
where u can find nice wallpapers
ah!nostalgic ....reminded me my school days and essays which we would wrote without much interest.very well written post and all the best for BAT.
I came back to your blog just to thank you for your vote. I never saw your comment for my post, but thanks for your appreciation. That matters a lot. Congrats to you too for your efforts.
good one
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