Blog a Ton
Last evening I got stuck in the traffic snarls of Mumbai. Quite unusual for me, as I prefer to stay in these days. Infact, honestly put, they prefer it that way. A short ride to a nearby destination is all I take up.
So after a long hiatus, to be back on roads left me with a mixed feeling. I was thrilled, at the thought of meeting some old companions. I was excited to hit on familiar routes. All I did not realize was that, the times had changed.
In a new surrounding amidst unfamiliar crowd, my memories flooded back to the early 90’s. When bikes meant Honda and Scooters meant Bajaj, Car meant MARUTI, the obvious Maruti 800.

Back then, we were the cynosure. With no power windows and rare air conditioning we managed to give you a closer to road driving experience. I remember the attention we use to get, with stares and glares of the passers by.
Pulsars, Gladiators were still years ahead. With Fiat and Ambassador our only colleagues, we put millions (of people) on the roads.
Today, I realize the multitude at which our generation has leapt. Comfort Levels have increased. Small-Medium- Big segments, looks like size matters. It leaves me with an eerie feeling to be back on roads. Feel nowhere a part of this community. I understand, you have already bid farewell to the Old Fiat.
And before you take me off the roads, just thought I should say: Good Bye!
Nice post .
Well written.
Enjoyed reading it :)
hi Viyoma.. it was a nice read :) but felt perhaps, u could have taken the reader on without revealing the twist till the end.. because the first part felt like a person was narrating..
a very unique take on goodbye...nicely done :)
i actually liked the fact that there were no twists and turns. straight forward message!
hi Viyoma enjoyed reading your post.
Well written
wow!...nice and unique way to say "Goodbye" :)
Made me nostalgic....growing up in the 90s :)
However, I felt, you could have put in some more fuel and taken the reader on a longer ride ;)
All the best for BAT!!!
for sometime i was under the notion that its the driver who is narrating. Enjoyed reading your post.
The concept is nice, could have made it more gripping though by leaving the twist to the very end. My first time on your blog ..... but wanted to keep it honest.
Nice Viyoma...recalling of good past!
A very good effort and a noble thought i must say.
Hi Vyoma how r u?...
u knw i dnt like bidding tata 2 my old mates :-P ..... by da way u 4got 2 mention the immortal royal enfield :-).... may b some loves last 4evr... lol...
thank u so much 4 liking my writeup! pls chk out my new post too... cheers n kp penning!
Ah yes, the 800!
Well written.
ATB for BAT13
Gkam - Goodbye
I enjoyed reading your thought.. Great..
All The Best for BAT 13.
Gmsaravana - Goodbye
Yours Frendly,
Someone Is Special
Yeah the makers of Maruti 800 have bid it goodbye but it will take still sometime when 800s go off the road completely....just due to sheer numbers they were in this country :D...
Nice take on goodbye :)
awwww gud 2 knoe bout a diff take on d topic :D
Goodbye from truly an Icon well done. Very Well written.
ATB for BAT-13
Vikas Khair - Goodbye
everyone says a goodbye...for some reason i felt the car was a symbol for us people is pretty similar..
good take!!
I 'd once driven a m800 from Hyd - Goa - without any problem at all. Your post triggered nostalgia !
That's a wonderful take on the subject!! Good one!
All the best for BAT-13!
Cheers :)
haha.. cute one.. maruti 800 has been taken off road frm 18 major cities recently.. so a timely post to pay tribute to this grand savari of childhood :D
it reminded me of times when I've done things that I hadn't done for a long time.
Perpetuity would be a nuice thing to have going.
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