Blog a Ton
I shudder at the sound of a barking dog
Fearing it might approach me
Slouch myself at one end of the wall
Till a helping hand reaches me
Immobile as I sit on the fleet of stairs
Hearing the footsteps of passers by
Somewhere deep within I pray
For yet another peaceful day
The fear of unknown continues to grip
Fanatic, I get, with every slip
I look up again, and pray to thee
How I wish, I could see.

beautiful post Viyoma.. short nd succinct..
Well its a pleasure to b on ur blog, u being one of the earliest patron of my blog.. still rmmbr ur cmmnt on my cbox wr u askd me if u cud blogroll my blog.. i visitd ur blog so many tmes 2 c if u did.. bt u hd vanishd 4 quite sum time frm blogosphere.. bt finally here i c, u blogrolled me.. haha.. enuf of these childish ramblings :p
all the best for BAT :)
That was a short yet very nice poem...All the best for BAT-12...
Viyoma - as usual, a beauty from you.
Love your poems for their simplicity and yet a lovely theme
Viyoma you've woven the words pretty well !
First time here,liking it :)
Heyyy Viyoma,
am visiting you here for the first time and I am pleased to meet you! Your poem was indeed very touching.
And I feel it would have had the same impact without the pic too..:D
This can be easily taken up as a social causes message to promote eye donations too..Xcellent job..ATB for BAT-12..
this post is a beauty. i don't have more to say.
beautifully written!!!
the agonies of a blind man captured so succinctly!!
best wishes for BAT12! :)
hey nic flow dear...luved the way the words unfolded....
Nice poem, good use of the prompt
Very nice theme for the word "wish"
This is my first visit to your blog and loved your take on the theme. All the best for BAT-12
Very nice poem!!
The way the blind sees the world..captured in words..
good work!
Beautiful poem! <3
" "
no words to describe my thoughts...
by da way wat is dis blog-a-ton thing???
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