Monday, April 13, 2020

The K's of City Connect

A to Z Challenge - My Theme-  City Connect - my connect with....
Aurangabad-Schooling & Junior College / Bombay- Graduation & First job/ Chennai - Marriage & Motherhood

I hardly did any cooking here. To the best I recall, the longest time I spent in kitchen is on "Assembling a Sandwich". Of course I frequented the kitchen for all other support activities like-  putting off the pressure-cooker whenever Mom instructed; taking & putting back plates & glasses in place; cleaning the fridge top- it used to be my favourite activity [ unfortunately it goes under the cleaning category - not cooking]

KRAZY ESCAPADES FROM BOMBAY- Mumbai kitchen was an experiment zone. On a randomly selected holiday with free time in hand not knowing what to do- Cooking happened.  Such escapades, when turned out exciting found their way to blog posts here. Some colourful looking dishes got their share of photo-op!

KOOKING STARTED IN CHENNAI -Real full time cooking started. And so did its share of goof ups. Goof Ups & I share a special relationship. We tend to get more friendly when I have guests at home.
And the very next day, when its only  the immediate family to attend, dishes will turn out so perfect as if I have been a "Master chef" all along.


SG said...

Murphy's Law. When there are guests at home for dinner, goof ups always happen. When there are no guests, the food comes out perfect. I never entered the kitchen until my wife passed away 3 years ago. In these 3 years I struggled and now I am reasonably a good cook. Thank God she had written recipes and notes for more than 75 dishes.

Arti said...

Cleaning (especially fridges) is a very, very important task in any kitchen. I'm sure your mother was very pleased with your help.
Your friendship with food related goof-ups is charming.

Arti said...

Cleaning (especially fridges) is a very, very important task in any kitchen. I'm sure your mother was very pleased with your help.
Your friendship with food related goof-ups is charming. That last bit made me smile:)

Sonia Chatterjee said...

You are doing an interesting series or commenting cities with events from your life. First time on your blog and I loved the post.

A Hundred Quills said...

For me cooking has been hit and trial mostly. Reading your posts took me on a trip to my cooking misadventures. Great memories.
Sonia from

Pradeep Nair said...

I am not too much into cooking. But, the occasional forays have given me the feeling that it's an extremely creative work.