Monday, April 6, 2020

The F's of City Connect

A to Z Challenge - My Theme-  City Connect - my connect with....Aurangabad-Schooling & Junior College / Bombay- Graduation & First job/ Chennai - Marriage & Motherhood

Four Eight Eight Four Nine Two - What reads here is a phone number - a Landline number [fixedline number]. Mobile phones had not reached Indian shores. When Landline was a communication lifeline ; remembering important phone numbers became a habit.

FREIGHT - If you have read my Prompt C it tells you I work for Maritime industry. Shipping professionals breathe in & breathe out the word Freight. When expressed in PER DAY TERMS- it's called HIRE.  When  on roads you "Hire a Cab" ; when in waters- you "Charter a Ship"

FINDING NEMO- THE BOOK -  Recently we had been to a book fair called"BooksbyWeight". In the process of finding other books- we found - Finding Nemo. My 2.5 year old is super excited with this book. She recognizes the book by its cover & follows the story though pictures. Now I am on a hunt to look out for more animated movies in book form.


A Tarkabarka Hölgy said...

BooksybyWeight sounds like my kinda fair :)

The Multicolored Diary

SG said...

I had a smile when I read Freight. HIre vs Charter. We have quite a few airline pilots in our family. I used to tease them if you drive a bus, you are a driver. If you drive a plane, you are a pilot.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

That's fun to associate a word to the 3 cities!

Shilpa Garg said...

The landline days... the good old days!
Finding Nemo is a cute lil story and with such profound life lessons.

Romi said...

The phone number, somehow, made me smile. :-)
I enjoy reading your post.

Sriya Akhilesh said...

So good to know that the love of books is being fostered among kids in the digital age of temptations! :)