Monday, August 8, 2011

Wordless - Priceless

II Confluence of Pink -Yellow bushes, in there
Await my attention and some time to spare II

II Like the negatives of an old frame
The side beams of a neighbour’s wall lie lame II

II How tempting a look, can a Venn diagram have,
When, in them, mouth-watering delicacies get their share II

II How refreshing the morning dews can be,
Not words, but a perfect picture can speak II

Assorted, disorganized, and unlabelled: they survive,
Giving me time to align my thoughts
In what order, when, how to unfold them I wonder,
For how many Wordless Wednesdays it might take!


  1. was it wordless, Shakespeare rightly said what's there in the name when feelings flow melancholy.

    Weakest LINK

  2. I like poems that I don't fully understand
    They trigger curiosity, a sense of intrigue
    One grasps but a point here, there a strand
    Beckons the poet, come be part of my league!

  3. fabulous creativity! keep posting :)

  4. i m wordless........

  5. Awesome.
    Conveyed more with less words.
    That's the beauty of poems... :)
